The Dimensional Spiral of Catholic Jewish Time

Comfortable in my own skin

The (Re)Consecration of the Temple Mount

The Epochs of Priest, King and Prophet

Hebrew Catholic Mission to the Emergent Jews of Latin America and Lost Tribes

Hebrew Catholic speculation on Jesus healing the woman with a blood issue and raising the official’s daughter

Sacrament of Matrimony Aliyah Edition

The Opened Suitcase

Hebrew Catholic Israeli Settler Movement

The End of Israelite Assimilation

Justice for Brother Daniel

If Judaism is Not a Religion What Does This Mean for Hebrew Catholics?

Blind but Now I See

Eucharist Awakening

Jewish Time and Space

Jacob and Esau, John Paul II and the Rabbi of Rome

Artist Statement

Eating Together

Why Nobody Wants To Be Catholic

Wrestling with E. Michael Jones

The End of Salvation History
and the Last Jew

Rabbi Emden Wanted Respectful but Total Separation of Judaism and Christianity

Why I Am Catholic

The Mixed Multitude: Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement, 1755-1816 (Jewish Culture and Contexts)

Book Report: The Mixed Multitude

The Direction of Our Mass Assistance

The Stone the Builders Rejected

Assisting at Mass from Behind the Screen

Noahidism is Not a Religion

Christ Enthroned as Heavenly King National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Italy

One Flesh: Shared Merits, Shared Transgressions

Love Your Enemies

Wilhelm Borremans, The Miracle at Cana, 1717 (Ceiling fresco detail)

Form Change: Fundamental of Faith

What God Has Joined Together

Isolating a Spiritual Quantity, Then Losing It

Marc Chagall, Hommage à Apollinaire, or Adam et Ève (study), 1911-12. Gouache, watercolor, ink wash, pen and ink and collage on paper.

One Host Wafer for Two Persons of One Flesh

Why the 7 Sacraments of Catholicism are Temple Judaism Fulfilled

Response to WP article on “Emergent Jews“ in Latin America

From Light to Water to Bow to Ark to Womb to Tomb to Church


Mitzva Ha-ba’a Be-Aveira: When Sin Becomes a Nececessity for Good

Where the Messiah Can Be Found

The Essence of Truth

Seven Days, Seven Laws, Seven Sacraments

Hebrew Catholic Josephs and Esthers

A Hebrew Catholic Perspective on “Assimilation”

The Eucharist Portion

Assisting at Mass

Who is a Hebrew Catholic?

Sacrament of Matrimony

Jewish Christian Thoughts on Hanukkah