Today at Mass the Shekinah returned to me. I think God wanted to show me that these spiritual functions are happening whether I feel them or not. I didn’t feel them last week but I did today. 

The subtlety of today’s illumination was of the direction of the Mass assistance sacrifice. When I realized the feeling was of going and not filling, after I had my first communions, I may have visualized my sacrifice moving towards the bread and wine on the alter. However, I believe the Paraclete has shown me this is not the correct direction. 

I was shown through feeling that the direction of our Mass assistance is up, not forward. Our spiritual sacrifice ascends from our bodies into the heaven before the consecration is complete. It goes into the heavenly Temple of Jesus’s body where He absorbs our sacrifice. 

I don’t yet have a precise intuition of how and when the body in the heaven comes to earth as bread and wine. Perhaps the process is happening when when we sing “Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world have mercy on us”. That is the moment of redemption where our sin is added to the eternal sacrifice of the cross, processed in heaven and redeemed. When we sing “Grant us peace, perfect peace” we are petitioning the peace/shalom which is Christ to Return to the world in the form of bread and wine. We know He does this because that was his promise and gift to us.

The bread which is Christ really does come down from heaven. We eat it to share in a portion of the corporal Life of Jesus who is God.