By committing my understanding of the metaphysics of assisting at Mass to writing I may have lost the sensation that accompanied it. It’s possible the emotionality I had been feeling was what helped me understand what was happening. Our imperfect sacrifice is drawn out from us and cast onto the consecrated host where it is purified and sanctified by Christ. It is returned to us as pure love which is Christ.
The feeling was very muted today. It’s also possible now that I’m taking communion regularly that the Christ metamorphosis has physically begun and I am now being incrementally changed. Naturally I would start to feel different as time progresses.
I’m at an inflection point where I’m still a new Catholic and have a fresh memory of my disposition prior to confirmation. The sacraments are life markers of a person’s salvation. Baptism, matrimony and confirmation are once in a lifetime sacraments in their bestowal (although they represent a lifetime process). Confession and Eucharist are to be done as much as possible in a lifetime. In these two reside incremental supernatural grace and growth. God wants you to change. Through the sacraments we are molded into the image of Christ.