Daniel made a great point in his video on the Eucharist I’d like to highlight. He compared his epiphany on the centrality of the Eucharist from a Protestant/Messianic perspective to be of the same intensity as a Rabbinic Jew recognizing Christ as Messiah. When we are blind we are not even aware of what we are missing.
I had previously written that as more is revealed to me as a Confirmed Catholic the Protestants and Rabbinic Jews in some way become harder to differentiate theologically. The primary reason being the location of the Messiah in time and space.
Jews: he didn’t come yet.
Protestants: he came and left but is coming again.
Catholics: he is here today and every day really present in body and blood under the appearances of bread and wine after consecration.
I usually write more but I think I’ve made the point I wanted to make.