I think I’m going to be writing a lot about rainbows. The mystery of Christ and the Blessed Mother and their eternal dance begins with light and water. The interaction of light and water produces the rainbow. The rainbow is the physical manifestation of the Spirit of God that hovers over the face of the deep.
When the Light was “Let”, the celestial beings who allowed it to pass through their spirits were eternally wed to this Light. Some celestials in pride and selfishness tried to hold the Light to become like God. This created an explosion that inaugurated the world. There was one primordial vessel that could hold the Light. Not a celestial being, but a physical and real body. The Well, the Deep, the Lady, the Mother. She could reflect the Light. She could hold its warmth. She could incubate it. She could manifest its colors.
The rainbow in modern times has been removed from its traditional Noachidic redemptive and covenantal meaning. Ironically the most familiar rainbow is one that represents pride. I will soon write a piece to clarify the distinction of Noah’s rainbow and the pride rainbow as they are quite different in construction, color and meaning. I think it’s good to be aware of the difference so there is no confusion as I continue to explore “The Bow.”