The scales are still falling for me. I only just internalized who the stone is and who the builders are. I am a builder who has returned to the building his fellow builders abandoned once it was built. The building is now administered by the stewards who gladly received.
The sense of tragedy is quite profound when this is realized. To understand your people spent thousands of years plowing and when it was time for the harvest they rejected their fruit.
I sometimes wonder if it isn’t a grand conspiracy where the builders are well aware of the situation and they have been following some kind of divine instructions not to return to the building—their building—until the stewards have gathered all that can be gathered into it.
I’ve already written how “assimilation” gives an opportunity for some builders to choose to go into the building. This is where four generations of builders going their own way has led me.
I feel as if I’m seeing a reality that neither builders nor stewards are seeing.