Someone posted this fantastic image in the Hebrew Catholic group the other day. It’s incredible that the entirety of the Judeo-Christian promise can be captured in an icon without a single word.
The frame functions as kind of Ark of the Covenant. But the inner contents have been unveiled. Melchizedek is on the left of the eternal universal priesthood who offers the bread and wine, a prefigurement of the supernatural food. He represents the manna that was placed in the Ark. On the right is Aaron of the Levitical priesthood who has offered the unblemished lamb, the required sacrifice for the atonement of sins. Aaron represents his staff that budded and has now blossomed ripe almonds.
Jesus stands triumphant in the middle. He is within a vesica which is the symbol of a womb. We see here that this is Jesus’ true birth, the Resurrection, from Mary’s true labor where she spiritually shared in her son’s agony at the cross.
It was once believed that the pelican mother would feed her young with her own blood by wounding herself. The eagle is sign of power and ascension.
In the top corners we see the adoring cherubim of the Ark of the Covenant. Here they float above in awe that the prophecies have been fulfilled. Jesus the Word, the stone tablets, the Torah, has been turned to flesh. God’s hand points at his son in whom He is well pleased. To come to the Father you must go through the Son.
Jesus invites you into the New Ark of the Covenant with the Host and Wine that IS one with his body. But notice his arms are not outstretched. You still have to go to him. He will not force you. Go. Go!